Empowering Communities Through Education, Livelihood, WASH, Health, Nutrition, Food Security, Agriculture and other Legal services in the country

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)


In the aftermath of both natural and manmade disasters, the urgency of securing clean water and appropriate sanitation facilities becomes paramount for affected communities. SGOA acknowledges the pivotal role of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services in preserving public health, safeguarding displaced populations, and upholding the fundamental right to safe water and sanitation.
Key Components of our WASH Initiatives:
Clean Water Access:
Prioritizing the provision of safe and sufficient water for essential needs such as drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene. Recognizing the indispensable role of clean water in maintaining good health and preventing the spread of diseases within vulnerable populations.
Sanitation Facilities:
Addressing the crucial need for proper sanitation facilities to prevent water contamination and the rapid spread of diseases. Specializing in the design and implementation of sanitation infrastructure, particularly in educational or healthcare facilities, shelters, camps, and local communities.
Public Health Protection:
Prioritizing WASH services to safeguard public health, particularly in the vulnerable context of displaced populations. Acknowledging the interconnectedness of water and sanitation in contributing to overall wellbeing and disease prevention.
Right to Dignified Living Conditions:
Understanding that the lack of access to WASH facilities not only jeopardizes health but also deprives families of opportunities to enhance their livelihoods. Committing to providing appropriate water and sanitation infrastructure to empower families and contribute to dignified living conditions.
Hygiene Education:
Recognizing the pivotal role of education in promoting good hygiene practices. Implementing comprehensive hygiene education programs to empower communities and instill practices that enhance overall health and wellbeing.
In sum, our WASH programs go beyond immediate relief, aiming to establish sustainable solutions that not only address the critical needs of affected populations but also contribute to their long-term health, dignity, and resilience.
SGOA’s Expertise in WASH: At SGOA, our WASH programs are meticulously designed to not only save lives and prevent diseases but also to promote dignity and enhance access to better living conditions and livelihood opportunities. Leveraging our expertise in direct interventions, collaborative efforts with livelihoods and food security experts, and strategic partnerships with other organizations, we tailor our approach based on the identified WASH needs of our beneficiaries.
Key Aspects of Our WASH Programs
Comprehensive Impact:
In our WASH programs, we prioritize life-saving measures and disease prevention, emphasizing the crucial role of water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions. Our focus extends beyond immediate needs, aiming to promote dignity and create conditions that contribute to the overall wellbeing of the communities we serve.
Collaboration and Partnerships:
Collaboration is at the heart of our WASH initiatives. We work closely with livelihoods and food security experts to ensure a holistic approach to community development. By establishing partnerships with other organizations, we leverage collective expertise and resources, maximizing our impact and fostering sustainable solutions.
Flexible Mode of Operation:
Adaptability is a cornerstone of our operational approach. We tailor our strategies based on the specific WASH needs of targeted beneficiaries, ensuring a responsive and effective intervention. Our commitment to choosing the quickest and most effective methods guarantees timely and impactful responses to identified needs.
Beyond Public Health:
We recognize that the significance of water and sanitation extends beyond immediate public health concerns. Understanding the broader implications, we acknowledge that the absence of safe and sex-segregated latrines or toilets can have far-reaching effects, particularly on education. This impact is felt most acutely by children and youth, especially girls.
Supporting Right to Education:
Active advocacy for the right to education is integral to our WASH programs. We ensure that safe WASH facilities at schools are accessible to all students and teachers. Collaborating closely with educators, we contribute to fostering a culture of cleanliness and health within educational institutions, recognizing the interconnectedness of education and overall community wellbeing.
Our WASH programmes focus on five thematic areas:
supplying safe water for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene and household cleaning
providing and maintaining latrines or toilets segregated by gender, or family units that are safe for women, girls, men and boys to use at all times
active disease surveillance and increased vigilance on water quality and sanitation practices during disease outbreaks
solid waste management and site drainage activities, to reduce standing water and garbage where disease-carrying mosquitos or vermin can breed
hygiene promotion and community mobilization to promote safe hygiene and health-seeking behaviors, and to empower displaced people to take an active role in WASH operations

Health & Nutrition

Social Services

Ensuring Health and Wellbeing in Emergency Situations
During emergency situations, SGOA is committed to ensuring access to vital primary and secondary medical services, providing comprehensive support that encompasses
Strengthening Local Health Systems:
SGOA actively supports local health systems to enhance their capacity to deliver primary and secondary health services. This commitment extends to men, women, and children affected by humanitarian disasters or residing in vulnerable conditions. By fortifying local health infrastructure, we strive to establish a robust foundation for comprehensive healthcare delivery.
Mobile Clinics for Remote Areas:
Recognizing the challenges posed by remote and isolated locations, SGOA deploys mobile clinics to supplement existing health centers. This strategic approach enables us to reach the most isolated places, ensuring that healthcare services are extended to even the hardest-to-reach communities.
Nutritional Monitoring and Intervention:
We are vigilant in monitoring nutritional status, with a dedicated focus on treating malnutrition. Our nutrition services are designed to provide essential elements for development and health, with a specific emphasis on pregnant or lactating women and infants. This targeted approach aims to address nutritional needs at critical life stages.
Awareness-Raising and Training Campaigns:
SGOA takes a proactive stance in raising awareness about health risks within assisted populations. Through targeted awareness-raising and training campaigns, we empower communities with knowledge about health risks and preventive measures. This collaborative approach ensures that individuals are well-informed, actively contributing to the overall wellbeing of the assisted populations.
SGOA’s Dynamic Responses to Challenges
AWD Outbreak Response:
SGOA displayed agility and responsiveness during Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) outbreaks. The organization took robust actions, encompassing the sanitization of affected households and the chlorination of water sources in outbreak areas. Furthermore, SGOA engaged in proactive hygiene promotion efforts, disseminating crucial information on virus prevention. To fortify communities, kits containing essentials like soap, aqua tabs, hygiene materials, and Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials were distributed.
Community Lead Total Sanitation (CLTS):
SGOA strategically implemented the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) intervention, a proactive initiative designed to instill optimal health practices within communities. This comprehensive approach aimed to trigger communities into adopting standardized practices, effectively mitigating health risks and fostering a culture of sanitation and overall well-being. Through this program, SGOA actively engaged communities in building resilience against health hazards, contributing to the broader mission of creating healthier and more sustainable living environments.
COVID-19 Response:
In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, SGOA embarked on numerous impactful projects to minimize risks and enhance community resilience. This comprehensive response involved the promotion of best hygiene practices, particularly during the COVID-19 outbreak. Additionally, SGOA initiated emergency responses targeting vulnerable households. This multifaceted approach included provisions for food security, distribution of hygiene kits, and endeavors to bolster resilience amid economic hardships.
Hygiene Promotion:
In its unwavering commitment to community well-being, SGOA conducted extensive Hygiene Promotion activities, utilizing interactive platforms like Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), strategic message delivery, and comprehensive training sessions. These initiatives are meticulously designed to empower communities with essential knowledge, fostering a culture of optimal hygiene practices. Beyond immediate responses, SGOA’s dedication extends to instilling a lasting impact, combining educational efforts with community engagement to build resilience and promote well-being. As a pivotal component of its multifaceted approach, Hygiene Promotion stands as a testament to SGOA’s mission of empowering communities to safeguard their health and create a resilient, hygiene-conscious environment.

Social Behavior Change (SBC) Programme:
Embracing a proactive approach, SGOA has been at the forefront of cultivating positive behavioral practices concerning hygiene, health, and nutrition through its Social Behavior Change (SBC) Programme. This initiative seamlessly blends scientific knowledge with community insights, working to empower individuals and communities alike. The program strategically dismantles barriers that hinder positive practices, fostering the development of more equitable, inclusive, and cohesive societies. By bridging disciplines such as sociology, psychology, communication, and behavioral economics, the SBC Programme ensures a comprehensive strategy. Grounded in scientific understanding and enriched by community perspectives, this initiative embodies SGOA’s commitment to creating lasting societal impact through the empowerment of individuals and communities.

Malnutrition Response:
SGOA has taken decisive steps to combat malnutrition by implementing strategic interventions, distributing Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements (LNS), including Plumpy’Doz, and Super Cereal supplements. These targeted efforts are directed towards emergency-assisted beneficiaries in the realm of food security, with a primary goal of mitigating the adverse effects of malnutrition. Special attention is given to pregnant women, seeking to ensure their well-being, and promoting healthy growth in children. This comprehensive approach reflects SGOA’s commitment to addressing nutritional challenges in a targeted and impactful manner, contributing to the overall health and resilience of the communities it serves.

School Feeding Initiatives:
SGOA’s unwavering dedication to the health and well-being of school-going children is exemplified through the successful implementation of six school feeding projects. These initiatives encompassed the distribution of diverse food packages, such as bread, high-energy biscuits, and oil, with the overarching goal of nurturing overall health and promoting the normal growth of students. Through these targeted efforts, SGOA not only addresses nutritional needs but also plays a vital role in supporting the educational journey of these young individuals, fostering a foundation for their holistic development.

Livelihood & Food Security

Uprising The Living Standard

Right to Adequate Standard of Living
SGOA firmly upholds the belief that every individual is entitled to a standard of living that ensures health and wellbeing. This encompasses the right to both food and livelihood protection, acknowledging the interconnectedness of these fundamental rights.
Food Security Pillars: The cornerstone of SGOA’s approach to food security rests on four crucial pillars:
Availability of Diverse and Nutritious Foods: Ensuring a varied and nutritious food supply.
Physical, Economic, and Social Access to Nutritious Foods: Facilitating access to nutritious foods through physical, economic, and social means.
Adequate Utilization of Consumed Food Items: Promoting proper utilization of food for maintaining healthy nutritional wellbeing.
Strengthening Stability of Pillars and Systems: Ensuring the resilience and stability of systems over time that people rely on.
Expertise in Livelihoods and Food Security In times of conflicts, disasters, and displacement, food production and market systems are at risk of collapse. SGOA, drawing on its expertise in livelihoods and food security, steps in to provide essential assistance. Our interventions aim to prevent loss of life and contribute to the rehabilitation of local food and market systems. We actively promote livelihood strategies that safeguard, recover, and enhance the earning capacities of individuals and households. Recognizing the need to prevent repeated displacement, SGOA supports engagement in social and economic opportunities. These efforts reinforce the adaptive capacity of systems, individuals, families, and communities affected by displacement. Through a comprehensive approach, SGOA seeks not only to meet immediate needs but also to foster sustainable solutions that empower communities to rebuild and thrive in the face of adversity.

We follow the UN Food and Agricultural Organization’s (FAO) definition of food security: Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
Beneficiary receiving agriculture kits in a livelihood safeguarding intervention.  SGOA In both emergencies and protracted crises, we analyze the livelihood vulnerability context and situation. This analysis enables us to better understand vulnerability, needs and preferences, and is key to the development of holistic integrated responses that contribute to durable solutions
Livelihood interventions must be undertaken in combination with other sectors. Our livelihoods and food security work focuses on the following thematic areas:
household and livelihood vulnerability analysis
emergency food assistance
asset creation (creating local assets that reduce food insecurity and build livelihood opportunities)
school meals and gardening
nutritious food production systems
integrated natural resource management
food infrastructure systems
employment and income generation and/or diversification
credit and finance facilitation
initial business and value chain development
integrated risk reduction
Holistic Livelihood Approaches: In both emergencies and protracted crises, SGOA employs a thorough analysis of the livelihood vulnerability context and situation. This detailed analysis serves as a foundation for understanding vulnerability, needs, and preferences. It is a pivotal element in the development of holistic integrated responses that contribute to durable solutions.
Thematic Focus Areas: SGOA’s livelihood and food security interventions are designed to address a spectrum of challenges and opportunities. Our work is concentrated in the following thematic areas:
Household and Livelihood Vulnerability Analysis: Comprehensive assessment of household and livelihood vulnerability, informing targeted interventions.
Emergency Food Assistance: Swift and effective provision of food aid to alleviate immediate crises.
Asset Creation: Establishing local assets to diminish food insecurity and create sustainable livelihood opportunities.
School Meals and Gardening: Integrating nutritious food production and educational initiatives, promoting long-term wellbeing.
Integrated Natural Resource Management: Sustainable management of natural resources for long-term environmental and livelihood benefits.
Food Infrastructure Systems: Strengthening systems that support the production, distribution, and accessibility of food.
Employment and Income Generation/Diversification: Facilitating opportunities for employment and income diversification, enhancing economic resilience.
Credit and Finance Facilitation: Supporting financial access and management to empower communities economically.
Credit and Finance Facilitation: Supporting financial access and management to empower communities economically.
Initial Business and Value Chain Development: Nurturing the growth of businesses and value chains to enhance economic viability.
Integrated Risk Reduction: Incorporating strategies that mitigate risks and enhance resilience within the broader context of livelihood interventions.
Comprehensive Livelihood Strategies for Durable Solutions
Meeting Basic Needs/Livelihoods Provisioning:
In this crucial area, SGOA focuses on meeting basic needs and provisioning livelihoods to protect and stabilize affected households against the further effects of risks and crises. The primary objectives are to ensure access to adequate and appropriate nutritious food and to provide other essential livelihood needs crucial for survival. By addressing these fundamental requirements, SGOA lays the groundwork for immediate relief and resilience-building.
Livelihoods Protection:
SGOA is dedicated to safeguarding affected households and communities by preventing the erosion of productive assets. In this phase, the focus is on supporting households and communities in protecting household and livelihood systems. The aim is to avert the loss or degradation of critical assets and provide the necessary support for the restoration of productive assets. Through proactive interventions, SGOA contributes to mitigating the impact of crises on livelihoods, preserving economic stability, and facilitating the pathway to recovery.
Livelihoods Promotion:
In this forward-looking area, SGOA goes beyond immediate relief to enhance the capacity of households and communities. The focus is on building resilience, managing risks and shocks, and leveraging adaptive, financial, and human capabilities. SGOA invests in lasting solutions that go beyond mere recovery, aiming for improved economic and social wellbeing as well as the restoration of dignity. By promoting sustainable livelihoods, SGOA contributes to durable solutions that empower communities to navigate challenges and build a more secure and prosperous future.

Cash-based Interventions (CBI)

Empowering Through Cash-Based Interventions, Including MPCA

SGOA is committed to providing flexible and dignified assistance to our beneficiaries through the strategic use of cash-based interventions, including Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA). By employing this approach, we empower individuals to make choices and prioritize their own needs, fostering autonomy and dignity. Cash-based interventions, particularly MPCA, are designed to offer maximum flexibility to recipients in deciding how to use the assistance. This principle emphasizes the dignity of beneficiaries, acknowledging their agency in making choices aligned with their unique circumstances. Integration is key to our approach, as MPCA is seamlessly incorporated into sectorial and integrated programs involving other core sectors of intervention. Recognizing the complementary nature of cash assistance with other sector-specific interventions provides a holistic support framework. The unconditional and unrestricted nature of MPCA transfers allows recipients the freedom to allocate the assistance according to their diverse needs. Grants are often calculated based on a minimum expenditure basket, ensuring a baseline level of support while maintaining flexibility. MPCA serves as a transfer that addresses a spectrum of needs, providing recipients with the means to navigate various challenges. However, it is acknowledged that minimal assistance may not cover all needs over time, and that needs and available services might evolve. While MPCA interventions are primarily utilized in the emergency phase when specific sector needs have not yet been identified, our approach evolves as the evidence base of displacement-affected people’s needs grows. There is a growing emphasis on tailoring sector-specific interventions within our core sectors. Recognizing that cash-based interventions may not always be the most suitable response, especially when markets are non-functional or required services are unavailable for purchase, SGOA prioritizes quality interventions based on comprehensive needs assessments. This adaptive approach ensures appropriateness and effectiveness rather than adhering strictly to a modality-led approach (cash or in-kind assistance). By adhering to these principles and practices, SGOA strives to provide effective, contextually appropriate assistance that meets the evolving needs of displaced populations. Through our commitment to flexibility, dignity, and adaptability, we aim to make a positive and sustainable impact on the communities we serve.


Upholding Protection at the Core of SGOA Activities

Protection stands as a central tenet in all endeavors undertaken by SGOA. Infusing a protection lens throughout every phase of programming, we ensure that the distinct objectives of protection are seamlessly integrated into our comprehensive program planning. This commitment underscores our dedication to prioritizing the safety, rights, and wellbeing of the communities we serve.
Comprehensive Protection Approaches in SGOA Programming:
Two fundamental approaches inform the robust protection framework within SGOA programming, ensuring a conscientious and proactive stance:
Working Responsibly: Ensure Conflict and Context Sensitivity, and Do No Harm
In the realm of safe programming, SGOA meticulously designs and implements programs that respond to the specific needs and risks of displaced and vulnerable populations. Operating with acute conflict and context sensitivity, we strive to minimize negative, unintended consequences that may arise from our interventions. This approach underscores our commitment to responsible and ethical practices.
Working Proactively: Reduce Protection Risks and Change Environments
The integrated protection focus defines the broader objectives of our programs. SGOA takes proactive measures to identify and mitigate protection risks while actively working towards transforming the environments in which we operate. This proactive stance is geared towards preventing harm and abuse, empowering displaced and vulnerable individuals to exercise their rights, and contributing to lasting and sustainable solutions. We embed protection principles across our core sector intervention programming, aiming to address unmet protection needs and gaps. In cases where stand-alone protection programs are deemed necessary, we prioritize their implementation based on a thorough assessment and mitigation of risks to beneficiaries, staff, and overall SGOA initiatives. In the ongoing development of protection programs, SGOA places a priority on child protection and Gender-Based Violence (GBV), recognizing their critical significance in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the communities we serve.
Adherence to Sphere Protection Principles:
At SGOA, our commitment to protection is unwavering, and we steadfastly subscribe to the Sphere Protection Principles, shaping the ethical foundation of our operations. These principles guide our actions, ensuring a steadfast dedication to the safety, rights, and wellbeing of the communities we serve. The Sphere Protection Principles encompass:
Avoiding Further Harm:
We pledge to avoid exposing individuals to additional harm resulting from our actions. Every step of our programming is meticulously crafted to prioritize safety and minimize any adverse consequences for the displaced and vulnerable populations we aim to assist.
Impartial Assistance Without Discrimination:
Ensuring impartial assistance is a cornerstone of our approach. We commit to providing access to aid in proportion to need and without discrimination, upholding the principles of fairness and equity in our assistance initiatives.
Protection from Physical and Psychological Harm:
Central to our ethos is the commitment to shield individuals from both physical and psychological harm arising from violence and coercion. Our programs and interventions are designed with a keen awareness of the potential vulnerabilities and risks faced by the communities we serve.
Empowering Rights and Recovery:
We actively assist individuals in claiming their rights, accessing available remedies, and recovering from the effects of abuse. This empowerment is integral to our mission, promoting resilience and facilitating the restoration of dignity among those affected by displacement and vulnerability. In embracing the Sphere Protection Principles, SGOA exemplifies its dedication to the highest standards of ethical conduct, ensuring that our actions resonate with compassion, fairness, and a profound respect for the rights and wellbeing of every individual we serve.


Strategic Expansion into the Shelter Sector in 2024

Looking ahead, SGOA is strategically poised to broaden its impact by venturing into the shelter sector in 2024. This move aligns seamlessly with our commitment to addressing the diverse needs of displaced and vulnerable populations. The shelter sector has emerged as a focal point within our Core Sectors of Interventions, underscoring its significance in our holistic approach to community development. In pursuit of this expansion, SGOA is actively engaging with donors and funding agencies to secure the necessary support. This outreach aims to forge collaborative partnerships that will fuel and sustain our operations in the shelter sector. By diversifying our interventions, we aspire to enhance our ability to provide comprehensive and effective assistance to those in need. This strategic move into the shelter sector reflects SGOA’s dedication to evolving and adapting to the dynamic landscape of humanitarian aid. As we embark on this new trajectory, we remain steadfast in our commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of displaced individuals and communities.

SGOA’s dedicated team provided vital assistance in time of need.

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